264B75 | 405477 | 436491 | 637490 | 7289AB | 8C9DB9 | C0C8D5 | F3F1F2 |
We were coming home after a special lunch out today, and coming over the Visssershok hill, this was our first view of the mountains and farmlands in the distance.
The sky was full of different colours and textures, and the clouds just looked so special against the dark mountains that I had to stop, get out in the freezing wind, change lenses and take the shot. Was worth the effort!
Have a lovely weekend.
All images © Rob Minter, and licensed in terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 South Africa License
@Anina Botes: Hi Anina - thanks for the visit. Yep - have been incredibly occupied with our neighbourhood watch website and stuff, so the photography has taken a bit of a back seat. As has the guitar! But we're slowly getting it under control and I hope to be back soon. Still look at and enjoy your daily photos - you have grown incredibly as a photographer!
Canon EOS 6D
1/500 second
ISO 100
289 mm